Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the State of Dev Morocco survey. If you have any other questions, please open an issue.

Who runs this survey? is one of Geeksblabla community projects. We are a group of Moroccan developers who are passionate about technology and open source.

How will this data be used?

All data collected will be released publicly. It will then become a resources for developers to check the last trends in Morocco as well as companies to check the current state of the Moroccan developer community.

When will the results be released?

We will release the results after 2 weeks of the survey ending. We will also host a special Geeksblabla episode to discuss the results. You can watch it on our YouTube channel. Meanwhile, you can read last year's reports.

How can i contribute?

The project is open source and hosted on Github. You can contribute by opening issues or pull requests on our GitHub repository. You can also help us by sharing the survey with your friends or write about the results on social media to help us understand the Moroccan developer community better.